…to be continued?

The last big Passion & More event was in 2019. I thought long and hard about starting again. I have to say that the Corona pandemic, like for many of my friends and colleagues, was a turning point in my life. At work, I reoriented myself to the field of healthcare, therapy, pain prevention and […]


You often ask me if I will organize the Passion & More event again in the fall. At the moment, my life is developing in a different direction and indoor cycling will forever remain a part of it, but now mainly in the form of a hobby, joy and free time. That’s why I’m attaching […]

Country Cycling – Nenzlingen

Liebe Cycling-Freunde! Schon langsam neigst sich die Hauptsaison des Indoorcyclings dem Ende zu. Vor einer Woche durften wir uns in Herisau zu einem fantastischen Wochenende treffen und das nicht nur in sportlicher Hinsicht. Mit der Alpstein-Challenge hat sich die Saison der Events meist verabschiedet. Doch muss das sein? Dies kann definitiv mit «Nein» beantwortet werden. Das COUNTRY CYCLING ist zurück.  Am […]

Alpstein Challenge Herisau

Indoor Cycling has always been my passion. Covid though have changed the market of events a lot. We have been going through the times of online classes together. Some of our online trainings are still available online in our eshop.  Now, still difficult to plan a big event, some of our friends are starting again […]


Dear Cycling Friends! See you soon in a special event CYCLING IN THE CHURCH. We still have some free places and we are very happy to be able to meet each other LIVE after 2.5 years. Book your bike here! Some of you are still training at home! We will start with our Online Zoom […]

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